Archiving and Unarchiving Savings

This guide will walk you through the process of archiving savings activities in oboloo, how to view archived savings activities, and how to unarchive savings activities when needed.

Archiving Savings Activities

Archiving a savings activity removes it from the active savings activities list, ensuring that only relevant activities are displayed in your Savings Management table. Follow these steps to archive a savings activity:

Step 1: Access Savings Activity Profile

  1. Navigate to the Savings Management menu.
  2. Click on the savings activity profile you want to archive.

Step 2: Archive the Savings Activity

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the savings activity profile page.
  2. Click the red Archive Savings Activity button.


  • The savings activity will be archived and by default will no longer appear in the Savings Management table. Archived savings will also no longer appear in dashboard analysis

Viewing Archived Savings Activities

Archived savings activities are not displayed by default. To view archived savings activities, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access Savings Management

  1. Go to the Savings Management menu.

Step 2: Filter Archived Savings Activities

  1. Use the Archived Status filter above the Savings Management table.
  2. Select the filter option to include archived savings activities in the table view.

Unarchiving Savings Activities

If you need to restore an archived savings activity to active status, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access Savings Activity Profile

  1. Navigate to the Savings Management menu.
  2. Use the Archived Status filter to locate and select the archived savings activity profile.

Step 2: Unarchive the Savings Activity

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the savings activity profile page.
  2. Click the Unarchive Savings Activity button.


  • The savings activity will be unarchived and will reappear in the active Savings Management table.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage the archiving and unarchiving of savings activities in oboloo, ensuring your savings activities list remains organized and relevant.

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